Friday, May 3, 2013

Then Magical Thinking Gets Us By

Another sudden happiness that made me smile. God allowed me to travel again. No plan, no preparation. My boss cancelled her ticket and gave it to me. Fourteen hours of journey by train.

Last weekend. Trenggalek.

A wedding by the sea. I prayed a lot. I smiled a lot. Unexpected lovely chat.

My friend, Harry's wedding

 It was about me. Again. The moment. 

And the magical thinking that always gets me by :)

Prigi Beach


poedjie said...

viewnya keren yaaa mbak..... mana lagi fotonya????

ied said...

Keren Ji, ala-ala phi phi island gitu. Hihihihi.... Nggak banyak fotonya karena nggak banyak waktu Ji. Asal jepret aja deh jadinya :)