Saturday, May 26, 2012


Kadang bingung dengan pernyataan yang keluar dari mulut sendiri. Mungkin dinyatakan dengan sadar atau bisa jadi malah efek alam bawah sadar. Entahlah. Yang jelas saat terlontar, awalnya mantab namun akhirnya menggantung dan membuat kening lawan bicara berkerut. Pun begitu dengan yang mengutarakannya. Malah berakhir di tanda tanya.

Percakapan muter-muter dengan seorang teman yang suka menganalisa karakter.

Teman : Punya kriteria apa?
Saya : Kriteria itu kan ada ketika kita belum menemukan yang dicari
Teman : Tapi ada yang dicari kan? Ya, berarti tetap ada kriteria.
Saya : Tapi kalau tiba-tiba nemu yang nggak sesuai sama kriteria tapi nyambung aja, kriterianya jadi nggak berlaku.
Teman : Ya kalau nyambung berarti ber-selera, kan kriteria juga
Saya : Ya, iya sih
Teman : Jadi apa?
Saya : Enough about me, elo aja
Teman : Hahahaha...
Saya : Heh, jangan suka mengalihkan. Lo gak tau kan gw persistent?
Teman : Dalam hal apa?
Saya : Hal-hal yang bikin gw penasaran
Teman : Persistent tapi nggak asertif ya?
Saya : Nggak asertif itu bawaan plegmatis akut kali, gw kan cinta damai
Teman : Peace and harmony ya?
Saya : Elo yang bilang ya. Nah, complicated enough kan gw?

Teman saya cuma bilang
Complicated itu value added;)

Ah, saya harap itu berarti positif...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Fourth Avenue Cafe - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Yesterday was Laruku's concert in Jakarta. If they had asked me, what would've been my favorite song, then I would've picked this song from OST of Samurai X. Since I don't understand Japanese, so I tried to find the lyrics in English which is apparently quite sad... Here it is...

The season quietly informed us of the end
Gathered up in the painted memories
Goodbye, to that person who loved me
Wavering in these eyes

Like a feeling I've been cut off from
I couldn't trust it from the start
As I was left behind by this ever changing street

Those people, who were always coming and going
Can be felt now in the distance
Even the noise grows dim
And fades away in a single breath

The empty space stared at me
On a boring day off
Without any sort of finish, you continue to be washed away

Even though I knew better, I pretended not to notice the pretense
I was drowned in it, always
Thinking about someone
Because even a side view of their face was heavenly

The season quietly informed us of the end
Gathered up in the painted memories
Goodbye, to that person who loved me
Wavering in these eyes

Later... just how long has it been?
Being... next to you
While thinking... of that, it was carved in time

It adds up and keeps returning... like a wave
Running away with this heart

Even today the city fills me with thoughts as ever
I draw them each individually...
Goodbye, to that person who loved me
Yearning for the distant sky
Wavering in these eyes

This ever changing street, overflowed with a sigh