Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Prophets

Kembali yakin bahwa nggak ada hal yang kebetulan. Pagi ini nemu statusnya Jeung Tita yang sungguh ciamik menjadi penyemangat hari ini, dan semoga seterusnya. Since si iman ini hobi bener naik turunnya ya sodara-sodara

When people who share the same blood as you hurt you, then
just remember Yusuf (as), who was betrayed by his own brothers.
If you find your parents opposing you,
remember Ibrahim (as), whose father led him to the fire.
If you're stuck with a problem where there's no way out,
remember Yunus (as), stuck in the belly of a whale.
If you're ill & your body cries with pain,
remember Ayoob (as) who was more ill then you. 
When someone slanders you, 
remember Ai'sha (ra) who was slandered throughout the city. 
When you're lonely, recall Aadam (as) who was created alone. 
When you can't see any logic around you, 
think of Nuh (as) who built an ark without questioning. 
If you are mocked by your own relatives 
then think of prophet Muhammad (saws). 
Allah (swt) put these prophets to trial, so
that later generations may learn a
lesson of patience & perseverance

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